documenting time waste to video game addiction

 Haven't convinced myself to quit this latest video game addition, yet. Do screenshots explain better?

I don't know. This is 'the pit' a world region clone error area. And I'm using blocks collected in survival, some from other clone projects. Too many words, but I just keep typing them. You can still clone in gamemode/survival. It's just a really "impressive" way to kill yourself. You can't use structure blocks or command blocks in survival, only in creative mode. 

I use give/______YourName/minecraft:command block predominantly for tp blocks. Way back in 2015 I found I would wander in survival and get lost, not find my way back to a hub of collected chests of blocks and food in survival or a safe monster free place to place my bed and "sleep". 

Next I figured out that with cheats on,  function key/F3 I could tp before I departed on an exploring journey. This created a safe return spot to /tp back home to (like a spawn point except without all the dying and losing inventory). Yeah, exploring in survival like this is like two steps forward, one step back, to tp back out of a pit of monsters so you can eat and fill your hearts. 

I've seen folks with level numbers in the thousands. Me? I rarely make it past 130. I don't recall ever surviving past 131, before I would mine some lava or find a pit of spiders, get chased by those stupid Pillagers, (yes those were years later), first death was a Skeleton, next game death was a witch, then a creeper waiting under a rail bridge I had just built. I crossed and got blown up before I reached the other side testing the rail. I have pics of me with tons of arrows stuck in my virtual armor having survived being shot at from many directions, it was funny, not so funny, being dive bombed by those fucking annoying Phantoms. Three game play days? WTF?! Whatever so, I turned off the monsters. 

esc, Options, Difficulty: Peaceful. 

Being killed by monsters is not what I was loading the game to do. Creative mode? Too... I don't know. It's fun for a while, but not why I play Minecraft either. 

Why do you play Minecraft? 

Ah, yes? Terrible question. This isn't my 1st "rodeo" This is the 5th video game addiction for me. The first was Zelda on the Nintendo GameCube and the Nintendo DS. The second was Pikmin 1 and 2 also on the GameCube. 

The 3rd was SecondLife. I was an Ent/tree person in there, I searched for virtual art exhibits and poetry or philosophy and had a tiny virtual publishing homestead, 'poetry on the rocks'.

  I sold poems on virtual rocks and paid poets 1/3 to me 2/3 to the poets for the sales of poems in Linden Dollars. Gumball machine poetry. $12 Linden dollars to buy a poem rock, 8 to the poet/4 for me. Something like that. It was less than $72 US dollars profit for one year, but it was fun as hell. Poets are good, and it was so fun to pay people for their words. 

Attending other people's art builds was good too, but in the end, crap and evil won. 

My friends, that I didn't really want to bother anyways, all hid from the crap, in virtual was like the old Twitter, less and less poets and good art and people to chat with about the "little" things that matter most in this short fragile human existence. 

My next video game addiction was at the height of my on personal physical pain and suffering. It was a stupid evil game that gave me very little joy. Pocket Frogs. The true gift was from the people in there with me. I met a real 'Cat Lady' with a fancy long haired cat icon, and a real airplane stewardess who would play PF in-between flights, she sent a gnome package around the world, and took photos of the gnome in locations traveled. It seems like a dream now. Yeah, I know it's the movie Amelie, but she was a real life airplane stewardess. She was so tired, a lot, and we would all ask where she had flown to, or where she was going next. Other people too, living in basements. Living in the cracks between me and you, on the "surface" of what is real. Fragments of conversations. Until I forced myself to quit. 

Minecraft happened after we lost the equity in our past three hard earned mortgages. Working our way from subsistence pay-check to pay-check, trying and failing to work our way into the middle class from the debt-slavery class/working poor. We lost everything in the 3rd home we paid 20% down on in 2007. The bank told us we had to pay THEM over $20k to SELL our house. So we had an emergency lease, rented our home and rented another, in the new town we move to for work. The landlord payment we collected paying 2/3rds of big city the rent, until the mortgage recovered enough to sell at zero. The big banks reaping all our equity from the 90s and 2000s, and cashing in on the bailout. While our retirement dwindled to nothing. 

We moved into 'the shoe box with a view' the tiniest apartment we ever survived in. 2/3rds of our stuff crammed into a storage unit, including art supplies. No way to work or create past digital. We escaped from that tiny constraint and physical limitations of life and our bodies space into the bigger than planet earth virtual world of Minecraft. 

A parting shot, my Second Life AV sitting on my beanstalk, all textures including my game character, from my real life art.

More later. Gotta go to the non-digital world now. b4n
