cliff water walls at about 15 percent-ish

Today is the first day of Ink October and I'm procrastinating. #inktober is just an excuse to make art and share it on social media. I've stopped making art and fiction writing. In a way I do know why, but I'm having a difficult time admitting it to myself. 

"Fear is the mind killer. Prove you are not an animal!"

"They tried and failed?"

"They tried and died."

[My memory's shortened slightly misquoted version of a scene from David Lynches Dune movie]

Last night, the TV running, sipping my two beers of the evening. I can only get away with drinking two or three beers, my liver and my soft tissues in my head just start to scream "Noooooo, stop you are killing us!",... even before I go to sleep. Anyways, I was "playing" Minecraft in this late night down-time. I /tp past the end of the billion block area and started "walking" my way back towards zero on the 500 side. Cloning walls to "hold in" the cliffs of water that just stand there in mid "air". And while I didn't take a screenshot of every single way-up hub or tower, I did capture some images of the more noteworthy locations. I don't know yet how long I will do this before I get bored and do something else. As noted in the post title I've already cloned or build approx. 15%. As mentioned a post or two ago, the circumference of the billion block area is 2,002,000 blocks. A lot of my world is sand or stone cliffs. Not all of the cliffs have water cut off in virtual chunks, because there's only deep ocean biome and lakes in part of the game normally. The virtual blocks of water are loaded without falling because the code apparently assumes that another region of the same height will be rendered next to it. But my world is a quilt of region chunks, like a slice of cake from a giant Minecraft world sized cake, cut out and set on the "pan" made by the much lower layer of blocks that is flat world.

an accidental screenshot May 2024 showing the water standing there like
blue gelatin before I decided to clone the water walls 

I build sections of walls in survival, then /clone them in /gamemode creative. Again, who knows why, this is about as rational as alcoholism. And, FYI I'm very aware that I'm way more addicted to video games then beer. 

A way up tower I built yesterday at 994,567 

A hub at the top of stairs built years ago

stairs used up a lot of block

hub at 993,750 looking at yellow box over the 513 region edge

992,500 garden

little hub below way-up stairs at 990,000

looking down from the top at the little hub below

The post title, what does that mean? 10% of a million is 100,000. 15% ish of 2,002,000 is around 300k blocks. I built zero to 100k, then another 100k on the negative side and over a hundred on the middle. I get bored. I wonder why I'm doing this, and just dig a tunnel from one cliff to the opposite side for the hell of it. Just like this blog I guess? I'm avoiding the stress of the 2024 VP Debate on CNN right now.

Reality. Awful. And I'd rather do this then drink a beer or pay attention to the stress and lies of this pending election. 


October 3rd, decided to add to this post, rather than start another. 

Last night I built this way-up hub in survival, then switched back to /gamemode creative, to fly along and clone sections of water wall, and took a couple more screenshots of forts built a while ago. 

hub from the top looking down the steps

988,277 is not a good number but there was Mesa up there!

There's another hub at 987,654 a much better number, but it's a hole with a couple mapped tp command boxes, and the way-up is vines, so meh... I like this new one better.

Here's half water wall done, half yet to do at 985,000 tower hub.

984,000 ... 1,000 blocks farther along

Continued with the water wall a few thousand blocks past this, will probably build another way-up hub tonight during after work TV/down-time. 

Oct 4th, yep, I build two way-up towers last night. 

collected mesa colored clay fired with lava
stone fired with lava, and other blocks dug from the 'green ring'

This is the top of the 982,500 tower
Sometimes I put a fire or torches on a hill that can be seen from the 'M' rail to know there's a way-down hub there.

A couple years ago, I decided hubs every 1,000 blocks was too many. So I decided to start with every 25,000 blocks. That was easy enough. Then every 10,000 some of them already in place because of the 50k and 100k towers. Then 2,500 every other side, but 3,750 on one side and 1,234 etc... Now? I'm not sure how many there are. I had thought that a blog with a list and screenshots might make more sense then a list in a ink & quill book in the game. Instead it's illustrating just how big over 2,000,000 blocks in cliffs really is. It's way more than two million blocks because of the many less than 1,000 block shorter cliffs inside the billion block area where the flat desert sand is lower than jungle, and other region copy errors. Some of the worst chaotic holes are around the 250,000 center 'M' rail tower. I'm not building walls or filling those holes. They are great pit mines. Fun to dig from one to the next. Anyways. Another evening, this one with only my video game addiction, no beers. Beers I get tired of, this game? Not yet. But, that's why I'm posting this blog. I'm working on making myself tired of it. 

October 5th, Here's one of those 10k towers. This one under the 'M' rail East at zero, with a garden.

981,000 97 0

way-up stairs and cliff hub at 977,500

Last night I wasn't paying attention and cloned water-wall thru two different sets of stairs and had to re-dig them. I only took a photo of this one, the other one was inside of a tower. Hmm...? Enough screenshot images or keep going?

The bamboo and water wall are cloned, the little survival shelter, built in survival. 

small cliff hub and grass stairs at 976,543

Oct 6th, I didn't function F3 and display the X,Y,Z coordinates. But, I took a couple of the years ago built 975,000 butte/canyon gap with bridge, with two way up forts.

What happened to Oct 7th? I have one rule about playing Minecraft, and my rule is. "Is it fun?" 

I started to clone other layers of the water wall, and then decided I didn't have enough white block, so I made a white 16 block by 16 block cube and then cloned it a few times, then I had to clean up my mess, and also I built a tower out of some of the blocks that resulted from "cleaning up my mess". Actually mining the cloned mess of course, it's Minecraft, you mine in there see. 

A mostly white blocks double-wide way-up tower at 973,575

October 9th, It seems just looking at my Minecraft screenshots folder that I didn't get very far on my water wall building. I should have taken a before and after building the water-wall of this way-up hub. It was stairs that led into the water with a sign that said, bring a boat :D Anyways, there's a roof-top garden not pictured on this box of a hub. 

Standing on the water-wall looking towards zero at the M rail.

way up hub at 973,000 after I built and cloned the water-walls

We were watching Shogun and then Bear. Really stressful TV worth ignoring most of the time by focusing on my game screen more than half of the time.

October 10th, maybe I'll just keep going, posting all month, see how far I get. 

top of the stairs/way-up tower at 970,000

on the flat ~ 4 ~ looking up at 970,000

There's a small wall hub built years ago at 970,000 ~ 500, but there was no way up, and I built a survival hub at the top as well, it's in the background of the top of the stairs screenshot. Yes, it has a rooftop garden. 

October 11th, posting here instead of spending time on social media, posting on my real life blog, and general being with people in the world. Minecraft is not trying, it's me not dealing with people. And it's a lot. Am I wrapping up this post, returning to the first quote at the top? Or do I continue to see how far I get along this section of virtual wall during this month?

And old-ish way down dug stairs 968,000

Not in the screenshot, but there's a cliff side survival hub inside the stairwell. 

This way down stairs I dug yesterday 966,600

There's a set of double doors and a garden wall at the top, but no survival hub with a roof and a door dug in this one yet. I considered this after I was a few thousand blocks along the flat, but it's a billion block area. If ever I'm there in survival again, I will dig a cliff hub then. 

Also, of note a somewhat major way up tower at 965,432 but, again, I continued past it, didn't even bother to take a screenshot. Who knows why. 

I was wrong it's at 967,500

Significant swamp garden at top of tower 967,500

Perhaps the next blog post should be "The List" of all the rail hubs, towers and walled gardens? But, like the title to of this blog states, I'm only 15%-ish done with this water-wall cloning. Maybe it will be done with me. No reason. Tried to escape and died. I need to be working on my survival in the real now. This can be what I do when ... IF I survive to some sort of old age situation. Shouldn't be what I'm doing now while I still have enough life energy in me to contribute in the real world.

October 11th, and today I am at 965,432. Well, just past there. 

This is a lot of cloned blocks to build a stair instead of digging one.

Screenshot from a distance 500 wall right on edge

Then I accidentally cloned wall thru

That yellow dot my checkered "hand" is pointing at is /tp 965432  5  321 . I'd been adding one layer of water over the stone to land on if one fell off the cliff. I haven't been doing this for the entire 2,002,000 block circumference. The water wall cloning and the stairs up or dug down and survival hubs is enough to keep me busy for years. Especially when I'm not paying attention to the direction I'm going/distracted by real life and clone thru what I just finished, and have to go back and dig out an area of stairs. At least I didn't clone over the house structure or a garden this time. 

Oct 13th, didn't build/clone much farther. We watched the original alien last night and I have seen it since I was 11 or 12 years old in the movie theater. It was a small town theater in the 80s. I was not old enough to see that movie then, that's for sure. 

way-up cloned stone and dirt 964,000

This one has a stair inside the end, a cliff hub in the mouth of a cave and a small hub at the top, but no garden. I didn't even plant any watermelons or berries. I should have left some glow berries in the cave but I was totally distracted by the movie. 

October 14th, after 4,000 blocks and no hub, I built one that feels like Minecraft version of a double-wide trailer parked on a cliff edge. Well maybe it's just a modern-ish box? I've been pondering what it would take to protect these too much glass, one layer thick walls from mobs if I ever turned on the monsters to a level past Easy and/or stayed in one place for long enough to attract mobs. For example this one has just enough space under it and holes for creepers to spawn under one end. I usually build a better foundation so that creepers are at lease a few blocks down. Their blast radius seems to be down, not up, but there is dirt under this house and if they blast a hole then other things can spawn in there and crawl up or shoot arrows up. Meh, ... not why I play, it breaks my "is this fun?" rule. If some imaginary future person wanted to claim this house it could be the inside, and they could add the extra layers to the outside or an escape hatch down to a rock basement to monster proof it better. 

"trailer" on cliff at 960,000
Also took a screenshot of the inside in a Winnebago Man like display of the survival amenities. There's usually a crafting table, furnace (at least one, usually more) and a chest or a barrel inside the door of all my survival hubs. 

Typical of what I leave inside the barrels or chest. The top is the survival hub. The bottom is my inventory, not left in the hub. 

This is one of the things I've been doing as I go along, making sure there is always food on the left edge. And iron, wood and diamonds on the top right. The tools and other stuff in the middle is not the same. Some string, maybe a fishing rod and a boat if the hub is near an ocean or in a swamp. There's usually a rail cart if you are in a hub on the M rail. This one is heavy on the meat because I killed a ton of sheep and fish, etc... while cloning and I just collect it, cook the meat, golden the apples, and leave it behind as I go along. 

water wall with chunks of water left standing

more water chunks

I'm not sure why I left these? I got tired of the extra sections to clone thru the jagged chunks, or alt. vertical water walls required to build around these, usually 16 blocks deep from 256 to 272 wide and inconsistent lengths. In survival they are kinda interesting? A source of gravel and fish etc... In some other areas I've cloned piles of sand to burry them. If I ever return later and wonder why I left these standing there, or if the game changes and they suddenly don't stand in mid-air anymore. That could be "interesting" I guess? 
